Team Profile

4 Member(s)

Suicide Squad

Daring, Determined, Diligent, Disciplined to achieve 8848 n raise funds for our friends at HCSA

Total Elevation Gain 72,325m
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By Suicide Squad (Team)
raised from 13 donors
84% of $1,100.00
Suicide Squad

Team member(s)

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donated $10

Keep the fire burning, Puay Sun!

donated $50

Go go go!!

donated $50

Jia yu Puay San, all the best

donated $50

Jiayou, San. May He grant you strength, endurance and perseverance.

donated $50

Ganbatte !!! May the Lord watch over you to keep you safe and give you strength to achieve your goal.

donated $10

Francis Ng and Soo San

donated $100

Jiayou! Inspiring
Puay Sun

donated $10

Cmon teammate. Jiayou!!! Do you best and Beat your personal record. You got this!!!
Puay Sunnnn jiaaa you

donated $300

All the best !
Puay Sun

donated $10

C'mon teammate. Jiayou n do your Best to Beat your Personal Record! You got this!!!
Puay Sun

donated $10

C'mon teammate. Jiayou n do your Best to Beat your Personal Record! You got this!!!

donated $20

Really inspired by your grit and determination for a good cause ! Jiayouuus and ride safe jie ! Allez Allez !!!

donated $250

With men this is impossible, with God All things are Possible. Jiayou, you can do this!!!