Participant Profile

8848m Challenger
Team Leader of Break the Cycle - Team A

Andrew Ong

Let's break recidivism together!

Total Elevation Gain 18,361m
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By Andrew Ong
raised from 25 donors
272% of $2,000.00
By Break the Cycle - Team A (Team)
raised from 29 donors
158% of $4,000.00


Kho Tad Yeu

donated $200.00

Congratulations on the event for such good cause!

donated $50.00

You’re doing great! Keep up the good work and know that every effort counts.

donated $50.00

Well Done Andrew!
Lynette & Kris

donated $500.00

Praise God for your faith in Jesus that’s translated to good works!
Charles Lim

donated $50.00

Your heart and efforts is greater than the height you are climbing now, Great Faith you have.
Jeremy Khoh

donated $50.00

Bro I respect your effort and have been trying very hard to help. God Bless!
Chin Heng

donated $100.00

Every penny counts toward this great cause! We are rooting for you Andrew!

donated $300.00

Hats off to YOU, Andrew for always going the extra mile! Thanks for all you do!
Kim Lang

donated $500.00

Keep on keeping on! Spread the fire and the work!
Sharon Koh

donated $100.00

Amazing feat Bro! Really impressed by your passion towards this cause . Jia You!

donated $200.00

Thanks for doing this to raise awareness and make Singapore a more gracious and forgiving country and give people a second chance!

donated $30.00

Mad respect and good luck for your everesting. Pray for Good weather and ride safe. Keep up the good work on helping to stop drug abuse.

donated $100.00

God bless your work Andrew
Eliada & Kelvin

donated $500.00

Press on and keep shining, dear brother! Your sowing will not be in vain. God bless you!
Kenneth Gn

donated $500.00

All the way Andrew!

donated $1,000.00

Pedal On Brother!!

donated $50.00

Well done!!

donated $200.00

Jia you Andrew!

donated $50.00


donated $50.00


donated $50.00

Anne Wong-Png

donated $200.00

A person of blessing will be enriched, and he who waters will be refreshed. Best! Andrew
Hwi Bee

donated $50.00

Ride to greater heights!
Jason G

donated $500.00

BTC. Leave No One Behind. Jiayou and go shine for Jesus.
MOK Hon Yong

donated $50.00